03.06 - 06:19
Vitamin D deficiency: causes, consequences and methods of prevention| Здоровье
Vitamin D deficiency: causes, consequences and methods of prevention Ukrainian people traditionally have limited access to sunlight, especially in winter. This, together with insufficient consumption of foods rich in vitamin D, leads to the spread of deficiency of this important element in the body. Vitamin D plays a key role in strengthening bone tissue and ensuring the normal functioning of the immune system. Its deficiency can lead to the development of rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults. One of the factors affecting the level of vitamin D in the body is lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle and limited time spent outdoors lead to a decrease in the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin under the influence of sunlight. To prevent vitamin D deficiency, it is important to include foods containing this vitamin in the diet, such as fish, egg yolk, milk and yogurt. It is also recommended to spend more time outdoors, especially in sunny weather. If vitamin D deficiency is detected, the doctor may recommend taking vitamin complexes or preparations containing this important element. However, self-medication can lead to negative consequences, so it is important to consult a specialist. In general, awareness of the importance of vitamin D and a balanced diet, along with an active lifestyle, will help keep your bones healthy and your overall health at a high level.
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