03.06 - 18:28
The effect of hot weather on the risk of preterm birth| Здоровье
The effect of hot weather on the risk of preterm birth The summer months often bring heat, which can have a significant impact on health, particularly for pregnant women. Research shows that elevated temperature can increase the risk of premature birth, which is a serious health problem for both the expectant mother and her child. One of the factors affecting this is hyperthermia, or overheating of the body. A high temperature can lead to stress for a pregnant woman, which in turn can lead to early delivery. In addition, hyperthermia can lead to a lack of fluid in the body, which can also affect the duration of pregnancy. Studies have shown that women who are pregnant in the summer or in areas with high temperatures have a higher risk of preterm birth compared to those who are pregnant at other times of the year or in more temperate climates. This may be due to the fact that during heat stress, the body spends more energy to maintain normal body temperature, which can affect the duration of pregnancy. Preliminary data also indicate a link between high temperatures and an increased risk of premature birth in cases where a woman works or is in poorly ventilated rooms. Such conditions can increase the risk of hyperthermia and other problems with the body's thermoregulation, which can have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy. It is also important to note that individual factors such as health, lifestyle and genetics can also affect the risk of preterm birth in high temperatures. Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to follow the doctor's recommendations to avoid overheating and ensure optimal conditions for the health of the mother and her future child.перегрева и обеспечению оптимальных условий для здоровья матери и ее будущего ребенка. Ключевые слова:
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