17.05 - 11:17

New discoveries in medicine: The main signs of the appearance of wisdom teeth


New discoveries in medicine: The main signs of the appearance of wisdom teeth

Dentistry always remains one of the most interesting branches of medicine, especially when it comes to the emergence of wisdom teeth. These teeth, also known as third molars, usually begin to erupt through the gums between the ages of 17 and 25. Although for many this process is painless, for others it can become a source of significant discomfort and complications.

The first and perhaps the most obvious symptom of the beginning of the growth of wisdom teeth is pain or discomfort in the area of ​​wisdom, where the teeth are located. This may be due to the pressure caused by the teeth breaking through the gums. This is often accompanied by swelling of the tissues around the gums, which can lead to irritation and pain.

The second indicator can be a feeling of pressure or pressure in the jaw area. Because wisdom teeth grow in the back of the mouth, they can cause discomfort, especially when swallowing or talking. This can be caused by a change in the position of other teeth or pressure on the nerve endings in this area.

Third, complications associated with the emergence of wisdom teeth can include inflammation of the gums, known as pericoronitis. This is a condition in which a partially erupted wisdom tooth traps part of the gum, which leads to a build-up of bacteria and subsequent inflammation.

In addition, the appearance of wisdom teeth can lead to the development of caries and other diseases of the oral cavity. Due to their location in hard-to-reach places, cleaning these teeth can be difficult, creating an environment for bacteria and tooth decay.

In some cases, surgical removal of wisdom teeth may be necessary to prevent further complications. Although not all wisdom teeth require extraction, the procedure may be recommended in cases where the teeth are not erupting properly, causing problems with the bite or damaging the surrounding teeth.

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