14.05 - 16:44

Useful eating habits to fight constipation


Useful eating habits to fight constipation

Constipation is a common problem faced by many people in the world. Fortunately, there are some eating habits that can help avoid this discomfort.

First, it is important to provide your diet with high fiber content. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains and seeds are excellent sources of fiber, which promote normal bowel function and prevent constipation.

Keeping the body hydrated is also key in preventing constipation. Drinking enough water every day helps keep the intestinal contents soft and facilitates their movement through the intestines.

Reducing your intake of foods that can cause constipation may also be helpful. This includes foods high in fat, sugary and carbonated drinks, and foods high in sugar.

It is necessary to remember about regular physical activity. Exercises help improve intestinal peristalsis, which facilitates digestion and prevents constipation.

Adding probiotics to your diet can also be a helpful step in preventing constipation. Probiotics promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which promotes gut health and easier digestion.

Avoiding stressful situations and practicing relaxation techniques can also be of great importance for gut health. Stress can inhibit bowel movements, which can cause constipation.

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