01.05 - 23:54
Dangerous habits that contribute to the development of dementia| Здоровье
Dangerous habits that contribute to the development of dementia Research in the field of neuroscience has found that there are certain habits that can increase the risk of developing dementia. It is an incurable brain disease that affects memory, thinking and the ability to perform everyday tasks. Excessive alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity and insufficient amount of sleep can become provocateurs of this disease. One of the factors contributing to the development of dementia is smoking. Research shows that nicotine and other chemicals found in cigarettes can damage brain cells and reduce cognitive function. This is especially dangerous for the elderly, who already have a tendency to develop dementia. Another bad habit is excessive consumption of sugar and foods high in processed carbohydrates. Studies show that a diet high in sugar and fast-digesting carbohydrates can lead to brain inflammation and cognitive decline. Lack of physical activity is also a serious risk factor for developing dementia. Regular exercise can improve blood flow to the brain, reduce inflammation, and help maintain high cognitive function. Not getting enough sleep can also worsen the condition of the brain and contribute to the development of dementia. During sleep, the brain regenerates and cleanses itself of toxins, so it is important to get enough quality sleep to maintain brain health. Finally, social isolation and lack of intellectually stimulating activities can lead to faster cognitive decline. It is important to maintain an active social life and engage in intellectual activities to protect your brain from developing dementia. Ключевые слова:
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