28.09 - 09:51

Sinusitis: causes, symptoms and effective methods of treatment


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses, a condition that can be very unpleasant and, if not detected properly and treated in time, lead to serious complications.

Let's consider the causes, symptoms and methods of treatment of sinusitis to better understand this problem. Causes of sinusitis Sinusitis can be caused by a variety of factors, from infections to allergic reactions. Let's consider the main causes of this disease: Viral infections: This is the most common cause of sinusitis.

It usually starts as a common cold symptom, but if the infection persists, the virus can attack the lining of the sinuses, causing inflammation. Bacterial infections: If viral sinusitis is not treated properly or treatment is incomplete, bacterial sinusitis can develop. Bacteria can multiply in the sinuses, especially if there are obstacles to the outflow of mucus.

Allergic reactions: People who suffer from allergies, especially to pollen, dust or animal dander, may experience inflammation in the sinuses due to constant contact with allergens. Polyps and other abnormalities: Polypous sinusitis can occur when polyps or other abnormalities block the nasal passages, preventing mucus from draining.

Fungal infections: In some cases, sinusitis can be caused by fungi, especially in immunocompromised people. Nasal Injuries: Fractures, blows, or other injuries to the nose can cause swelling of the sinuses and, as a result, sinusitis.

Other factors: Too dry air, pollution or smoking can also trigger inflammation of the lining of the sinuses. Symptoms of sinusitis Timely identification of the symptoms of sinusitis is the key to timely diagnosis and treatment.

Sinusitis can have different forms and degrees of severity, so its symptoms can vary. Here are the main symptoms: Nasal congestion: Nasal passages become blocked, making breathing difficult, especially with bilateral sinusitis.

Pain in the face: Patients often complain of pain in the face, which can be left-sided, right-sided, or both. The pain worsens when bending forward or making sudden head movements. Green or purulent discharge from the nose: This symptom, especially purulent discharge, indicates the presence of a bacterial infection.

Increased body temperature: Fever may indicate an active infectious process. Loss of smell: Inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane can interfere with the sense of smell. Headache: Often felt in the forehead, high or back of the head.

Fatigue and fatigue: General weakness and fatigue are common in many patients. Toothache: Due to the close connection of the upper teeth with the nasal sinuses, an infection can cause pain in the upper teeth.

Dizziness: In severe cases or with chronic sinusitis. Swelling and redness of the face: Often seen in the area under the eyes or on the forehead. Sinusitis is a common problem, but timely detection of symptoms and the right approach to treatment, including measures at home and the use of folk methods, can help avoid serious complications. You should always consult your doctor before starting any treatment.



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