10.09 - 12:56

Incredible Facts About Vitamin B1


Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is one of the key nutrients needed to ensure the body functions properly. Here are some incredible facts about this important vitamin:

Vitamin B1 and the brain: Thiamine plays an important role in the functioning of the nervous system and the brain. It helps ensure the correct exchange of glucose, which is the main energy substance for the brain.

Anti-stress: Vitamin B1 helps the body fight stress. It helps to reduce the level of cortisol - the stress hormone, which can have a negative effect on health.

Anti-mosquitoes: Vitamin B1 has been shown to help reduce the number of blood-feeding mosquitoes. The body, saturated with vitamin B1, emits a smell that repels mosquitoes.

Appetite vitamin: Thiamine has an effect on appetite. Its deficiency can lead to loss of appetite and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Pain sensation: Vitamin B1 deficiency can affect pain sensation. Some research suggests that supplemental thiamine may reduce the intensity of pain in patients with chronic pain.

Storage in the body: The human body does not store large amounts of vitamin B1. This means that it is important to regularly consume foods rich in this vitamin.

Effect on the heart: Vitamin B1 is important for heart health. It helps maintain normal heart rhythm and muscle function. Heat resistance: Thiamine is resistant to high temperatures, so it remains in the food during cooking. However, prolonged heating can reduce its content in food.

Food sources: The main sources of vitamin B1 are bread products, cereals, meat (especially pork), peas, legumes, eggs and dairy products.

Connection to beriberi: Vitamin B1 deficiency can lead to a disease known as beriberi. This disease can manifest due to nervous disorders, muscle weakness and other symptoms.

Vitamin B1 is an indispensable element for our body, which plays a role in many physiological processes. Its absence can affect the health and functioning of the body, so it is important to ensure a sufficient level of this vitamin through the diet.



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