08.09 - 18:49

How to deal with seasonal allergies


Seasonal allergies, such as a pollen allergy or a seasonal runny nose, can make life uncomfortable. However, there are methods that can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life during flowering.

Learn Allergens Get to know the plants that trigger your allergic reaction. This will allow you to avoid contact with them and take precautions, especially during flowering. Follow the forecasts Track pollen load forecasts.

On days when pollen concentrations are high, try to minimize your time outside, especially on windy and dry days. Ventilation and filtration Keep windows closed during peak bloom to prevent pollen from getting inside. Use air conditioners with high efficiency filters.

Indoor cleanliness Frequent house cleaning can help reduce pollen concentrations. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter and ensure that the room is properly ventilated.

Change of clothes After walking outdoors, change your clothes and wash your face to remove pollen from the surface of your skin and hair. Use protective equipment If you must go outside during the flowering period, wear sunglasses and a hat to protect your eyes and face from pollen.

Medicines If you have severe allergy symptoms, talk to your doctor about taking antihistamines or other medicines. Consult your doctor If your allergy symptoms are seriously interfering with your daily life, see an allergist.

It will help determine the best way to treat and manage seasonal allergies. It is important to remember that each organism is individual, and what works for one may not work for another. Follow the recommendations of experts and adapt your habits according to the characteristics of your allergies.



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