07.09 - 21:35

What women used to use instead of pads


There are many examples in history of how women provided hygienic protection during menstruation before the advent of modern pads.

One such method was cloth or gauze towels that could be folded and worn as internal absorbent materials. Various types of headbands, belts, and suspenders with sewn on absorbent pads have also been used.

Some cultures have used natural materials such as moss, lichen, or even soft leaves as alternative pads. In ancient times, artificial objects such as clay or wood were also used to control the menstrual flow.

Before the advent of modern hygiene products, women developed and experimented with various methods to ensure their comfort and hygiene during their periods.

With the advent of the textile and medical industries starting in the 19th century, more convenient and effective options for hygiene products gradually began to appear, which eventually evolved into modern pads and tampons.



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