07.09 - 15:04

What to do if feet sweat


Excessive sweating on the feet can cause discomfort and even lead to bad breath and skin irritation. Here are some tips that can help deal with this problem.

Choice of shoes and socks: Prefer shoes made from natural materials such as leather or cotton. They allow the skin to breathe and reduce perspiration. Wear socks made of moisture-wicking material to help absorb excess moisture.

Hygiene: Wash your feet regularly with warm water and soap. After washing, be sure to dry your feet well, especially between the toes. Dry skin is less prone to sweating.

Applying antiseptics: Use antiseptics or talcum powder on your feet to reduce moisture and prevent odor-causing bacteria from growing.

Powder: Talc or special antiperspirant powders can help absorb excess moisture and reduce sweating.

Change shoes and socks: If your feet are sweating a lot, try changing your shoes and socks several times a day to keep you dry and fresh.

Seek medical attention: If excessive sweating on the legs becomes a chronic problem and causes discomfort, it is recommended to see a doctor. He may recommend antiseptics, creams, or other specialized treatments.

Avoid synthetic materials: Synthetic socks and shoes can create a greenhouse effect and increase sweating. Clothes and shoes made from natural materials will allow the skin to breathe.

Relaxing treatments: Regular foot baths infused with herbal teas or essential oils can help reduce sweating and soothe irritated skin.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle: A healthy diet, moderate physical activity, and regular sleep can also help reduce sweating. By following these recommendations, you can reduce the unpleasant effects of excessive sweating on your feet and ensure comfort and freshness throughout the day.



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