15.08 - 08:35

What to do if the vessel bursts in the eyeu


A burst vessel in the eye can be not only frightening in appearance, but also cause discomfort or pain. In such a situation, it is important to know what to do to deal with this problem.

Here are a few steps to help you respond to a burst vessel in your eye:

Remain Calm: First of all, don't panic. A ruptured vessel usually does not pose a threat to vision and usually goes away on its own within a few days.

Avoid touching the eye: Avoid rubbing or massaging the area around the eye, as this may aggravate the situation or cause additional discomfort.

Apply cold: Apply ice or a cold compress to the eye to reduce swelling and reduce the risk of bleeding. Avoid strenuous exercise: Try to avoid extra effort, heavy lifting, or strenuous exercise, which can increase blood pressure and aggravate bleeding.

Rest your eyes: If possible, allow your eyes to rest from bright lights or device screens. Avoid prolonged use of the computer or TV. Do not use vascular drops: Some people may want to use vascular drops, but this is not recommended without consulting a doctor as they may cause side effects.

Consult a doctor if necessary: If a burst vessel is accompanied by severe pain, blurred vision, or does not disappear within a few days, it is better to contact an ophthalmologist for professional advice and diagnosis. Eye health is very important, so keep your vision under control and see your ophthalmologist regularly. In the case of a broken vessel in the eye, follow the recommendations above to speed up the healing process and reduce discomfort.



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