22.08 - 17:58

Meticulous Recovery: Aid for Tendon Sprains


A sprained tendon is a common injury that can occur in both professional athletes and everyday people in everyday life. This condition is characterized by tension and stretching of the tendons, which can cause pain and limited mobility. In the event of a sprained tendon, it is important to take immediate steps to help and recover.

First steps after injury:

Rest and protection: Initially, you need to provide the injured area with rest and protection from additional stress. This will help prevent further damage.

Ice: Applying ice to the sprained area will help reduce inflammation and swelling, as well as relieve pain. Ice should be applied through a cloth to avoid direct skin contact.

Elevation of a Limb: If a sprain has occurred on a limb, it is helpful to elevate it to improve circulation and reduce swelling.

Medical care and recovery:

Specialist advice: After an injury, it is recommended to see a doctor, such as a traumatologist or orthopedist. He will conduct the necessary examinations and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Immobilization: In some cases, bandages or therapeutic casts may be required to provide stability and support to the injured area.

Physiotherapy: After the first phase of recovery, physical therapy exercises will help restore mobility and strength to the tendons.

Medications: Your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications or pain relievers to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Professional help:

Massage and Rehabilitation: Experienced masseurs and physical rehabilitation specialists can help you recover from a sprained tendon with massages and special treatments.

Occupational stretching: In some cases, occupational stretching (such as manual therapy) can help restore normal tendon function.

Re-Injury Prevention:

After recovery, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations and take care of your health. Gradually return to activity, avoid overuse of the injured area, and do regular exercise to strengthen tendons and muscles.


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