22.08 - 13:26
Treatment methods for sinusitis| Медицина
Sinusitis is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, which most often affects the area around the maxillary sinuses (cavities) in the skull. This condition can cause pain in the face, impaired nasal breathing, general weakness and discomfort. To treat sinusitis, there are several methods aimed at reducing inflammation, relieving symptoms, and eliminating infection. Consider the main methods of treatment of sinusitis. Use of antibiotics: In the case of sinusitis caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics are the key treatment. The doctor will determine the optimal drug and dosage based on the microbiological analysis of nasal secretions. Nasal lavages: The use of saline solutions or special rinsing agents helps to remove mucus, infectious agents and reduce swelling of the mucosa. Washing also helps to improve breathing. Anti-inflammatory drugs: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. They can also improve breathing and the general condition of the patient. Use of topical vasoconstrictors: Vasoconstrictor drops or sprays help reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, improving nasal breathing and relieving symptoms. Heat: Using heat can help reduce pain and swelling. Applying a warm compress to the facial area can relieve discomfort. Fluid intake: Drinking plenty of water helps to moisten the mucous membrane and thin the secretion, which helps to remove it from the sinuses. If necessary, surgery: If conservative treatment fails, surgery may be required to drain and clean the maxillary sinuses. It is important to remember that the treatment of sinusitis should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Self-medication can lead to worsening of the condition and the development of complications. If symptoms of sinusitis appear, such as pain in the face, respiratory failure and general malaise, it is recommended to immediately contact a medical specialist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
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