30.12 - 14:01

Five stylish hairstyles for the New Year, which are easy to do yourself


Five stylish hairstyles for the New Year, which are easy to do yourself

New Year's time is approaching, and with it comes the time of preparations for the celebration. One of the important aspects of preparation is choosing the appropriate image. If you are tired of the usual hairstyles and want to impress your guests with something new, here are five fashionable hairstyles for the New Year that are easy to do yourself.

1. Braid-garland

Creating a braid-garland is a great way to look stylish and festive. Simply divide the hair into two parts, collecting each of them in a pigtail. Then weave them around the head, creating a garland effect. Secure the ends with small bobby pins and enjoy the elegance of this look.

2. Exquisite tail

A stylish and elegant tail is always a relevant choice. Start by dividing your hair into two sections. Pay attention to the top part of the hair that you want to leave. Tie the remaining hair into a low ponytail at the nape of the neck and secure with a rubber band. Then release the top part, giving the look an elegant finished look.

3. A luxurious cocktail of pigtails

Creating a cocktail of braids is a creative way to express your style. Make several thin braids all over the head and combine them to create a beautiful braided cocktail. This image is suitable both for a festive event and for an evening walk under the stars.

4. Light romantic waterfall

Add romance to your image by creating a light romantic waterfall. Braid the braid using the "waterfall" technique, leaving part of the hair free. This will create an impression of weightlessness and grace. This hairstyle is ideal for those who want to look elegant and perfect.

5. A combination of a high tail and a bun

For a more modern look, go for a high ponytail and bun combination. First, pull your hair into a high ponytail, then complete the look by twisting the top of the ponytail into a bun. This style will add a touch of modernization and sophistication to your image.

Let these five stylish hairstyles for the New Year help you create an unparalleled image and make your holiday impressions even more unforgettable.

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