15.12 - 21:09

Opening the season with four perfect fruit mulled wines


Opening the season with four perfect fruit mulled wines

Winter is a time of renewal, and together with the frosty morning, the season of fruit mulled wines opens, which give the real luxury of a variety of tastes. Today we are sharing recipes for four of the most modern drinks that add fruity accents to your winter evening.

  1. Pear Explosion Mulled Wine: Add a glass of your best red wine to a saucepan and heat over medium heat. Next, add a small amount of bergamot liqueur and aromatic honey. Complete the explosion of flavors by adding a thin juicy pear and a little cinnamon.
  2. Passion fruit and lemon rind: A large saucepan is filled with white wine, a small amount of passion fruit and fresh lemon juice - this is the beginning of this fruity wonder. Add a little mint for freshness and sweetener to taste. Heat, but not boiling, and your mulled wine is ready.
  3. Mango Peach Ecstasy: Aged red wine is combined with mango and peach juice in this exquisite drink. Add a little fresh ginger for spiciness and aromatic brown sugar for softness. Heat to medium heat to embark on a journey of fruity flavors.
  4. Orange Winter Sleep: End your winter holiday with mulled wine with an orange twist. Mix orange liqueur with black tea and add orange peel for intensity. Go on a virtual journey through the land of citrus while enjoying this wonderful drink.

Get creative and experiment with recipes to create your own versions of these fruity mulled wines. Immerse yourself in a world of taste sensations and enjoy winter evenings with these wonderful drinks.

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