15.12 - 16:46

6 main beauty trends this winter: from smoky eyes to brown shadows


6 main beauty trends this winter: from smoky eyes to brown shadows

Winter always brings not only cold and snow, but also fresh trends in the world of beauty that refresh our impression of makeup. A number of stylish and impressive beauty trends stand out this season. Let's delve into the world of winter makeup and look at six main trends that will enhance your beauty this winter.

  1. Smoky Ice: A fiery winter sunset before your eyes

Smoky Ice is a classic that is always in trend, especially in the cold season. Dark, mysterious shadows and smoky eyes create the effect of a fiery sunset. This trend expresses a stable image of a strong and confident woman.

  1. Girly Goth: Warmed by the darkness of temptation

Girly Goth is a combination of femininity and gothic style. Dark lips, expressive eye contour and accented eyebrows create an image of modern dark beauty. This trend expresses individuality and diversity.

  1. Neon: A bright flash of color on the face

Neon shades are taking over the beauty world this winter. Cheerful and bright make-up will add energy and dynamics to your face. Different colors of neon shadows and lipsticks will emphasize your stubbornness and become a great accent in your everyday look.

  1. Nontouring: The sculptural grace of a winter face

Nontouring is a technique that adds expressiveness and sculpture to the face. The grace of shadows and light spots creates the effect of perfectly beveled cheekbones and an expressive profile. This trend will allow you to look fresh and relaxed even on cold days.

  1. Artliner: Lines that speak a thousand words

Artliner is real art before your eyes. Creative and unexpected lines of the liner add originality and individuality to the image. This trend expresses your creativity and allows you to go beyond the usual makeup.

  1. Brown Shadows: The natural beauty of the winter forest

Brown shadows are a choice of naturalness and classics. Warm shades of bark and chocolate add a natural expression to your look. This trend emphasizes your beauty without excessive flair, creating a natural and comfortable look.

With these six top beauty trends, you can create a unique look that reflects your style and mood this winter. Choose the one that suits you best and impress the world with your unsurpassed beauty.


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