14.12 - 17:28

When is the help of an ophthalmologist needed


When is the help of an ophthalmologist needed?

Because many eye diseases do not cause any symptoms in their early stages, regular comprehensive eye exams are vital for early detection of problems. There are specialists providing personalized services in all areas of eye care. Whatever your situation, you can rest assured that our unique combination of eye care services, from routine eyeglass exams to interactive device treatments, will meet your needs.

What does an ophthalmologist do?

An ophthalmologist specializes in treating the eyes, orbit, and visual system. In addition to surgery, ophthalmologists may perform vision tests, treat eye diseases and infections with antibiotics, and write a prescription for glasses and/or contact lenses. Treatment may also include surgery, cryotherapy and chemotherapy.

What diseases does it treat?

Usually the first step in diagnosing any disease is to detect changes. And the first person to notice a change in his vision will be the patient himself. People are referred to an ophthalmologist when they:

- partial or complete loss of vision;

- eye injuries, pain or inflammation;

- eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts;

- health conditions that may affect their eyes, including diabetes and high blood pressure;

- poor vision requiring specialized assistance

How often should you seek medical help?

Adults and people under 40 should see an eye doctor as recommended, usually every couple of years. If they require glasses or contact lenses, they should have annual checkups. But adults aged 40 and older are at higher risk of age-related diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma. If you are at increased risk for eye disease due to age or a condition such as diabetes, you may want to see your eye doctor regularly, even if you do not yet have an eye disease. Ophthalmologists often have more advanced equipment to detect eye diseases in the early stages.

Knowing when to see an ophthalmologist is an important part of both overall eye health and diagnosing certain conditions. Take care of your eye health.

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