08.12 - 16:35

Don't wear them: How to choose outerwear so as not to shorten your legs


Don't wear them: How to choose outerwear so as not to shorten your legs

When choosing outerwear, it is important to consider not only fashion trends, but also its visual impact on the figure. There is a certain category of outerwear that may look great on store shelves, but visually shortens the legs. Let's look at five models that are better to avoid if it is important for you to maintain the proportions of your figure.

  1. A coat or jacket that is too short: When outerwear ends at thigh level, it can visually shorten the legs. It is recommended to choose coats or jackets that end below the hip line to create the impression of elongated legs.
  2. Wide jackets with large patterns: Large prints and bright patterns on outerwear can look heavy and visually shrink the figure. The optimal choice is plain or discretely decorated models that do not distract attention from body proportions.
  3. Bulky down jackets with large hoods: While down jackets are popular in winter, it is important to avoid those with large hoods and excessive volume. This can lead to a visual reduction in growth and look unfavorable.
  4. Jackets that are tight below the hips: If the jacket is too tight and ends below the thigh level, it can look bad. Choose jackets that have a looser fit and end closer to mid-thigh.
  5. Tapered tops with wide, low pockets: Tops that end in a tapered bottom and have large, wide pockets can visually shorten the legs. Choose models with a more uniform cut and bottom to create the impression of elongated legs.

When choosing outerwear, it is important to consider not only the style, but also its effect on the figure. With the help of the right choice of models, you can create a harmonious image that will emphasize your natural beauty and support the proportions of the body.

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