18.10 - 22:03

Myths and realities of daily care: the truth about washing foams


Myths and realities of daily care: the truth about washing foams

Daily facial care is an important part of our beauty ritual, and one of the main components is washing. There are many cleansers on the market, including foam cleansers. It often happens that there are rumors and myths about them. In this article, we will consider several of them and give answers to the questions: why to believe and why not.

Myth 1: Foam for washing is always better than gel or soap. Not long ago, many of us believed that foaming cleansers were a panacea for clear skin. However, this is not always the case. In fact, the choice between foam, gel and soap depends on your skin type. For dry skin, it is better to use a gel or milk to avoid overdrying. Oily skin can benefit from a foaming cleanser as it helps remove excess oil.

Myth 2: The more expensive, the better. This opinion often circulates among consumers. However, this is not always true. The cost of a product does not always determine its effectiveness. The quality depends on the composition and your needs. Sometimes affordable products can be just as effective as expensive brands.

Myth 3: High lather means better cleaning. Many consumers believe that the more foam in a foam cleanser, the better it cleans. However, this is not the case at all. A high lather can irritate and dry out the skin, especially if you have dry or sensitive skin. It is important to choose a product with uniform foaming.

Myth 4: Foam for washing does not need a moisturizer. This is a common myth that can lead to serious mistakes in skin care. Foam for washing cleans, but after it the skin still needs a moisturizer. Ensuring adequate hydration after washing helps to avoid dryness and irritation.

Myth 5: Foam for washing is not suitable for sensitive skin. Fortunately, there are special foams for washing created for sensitive skin. They contain the least amount of aggressive ingredients and clean thoroughly without irritation. For owners of sensitive skin, it is important to choose products without fragrances and parabens.

Myth 6: All foams for washing are the same. This is a delusion. Different foams have different composition and purpose. Some may be aimed at combating acne, others at reducing the appearance of pores. Before choosing, you should consider your needs and skin type.

Myth 7: You can't make foam for washing at home. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. There are homemade recipes for making foam for washing using natural ingredients such as honey or glycerin. However, it's important to be careful and know which ingredients are right for your skin type

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