30.06 - 09:47

How to use a nail buff


A nail buff is a useful tool for keeping your nails looking healthy and shiny. It allows you to polish, smooth and strengthen the nail plate, as well as remove bumps and give nails a natural shine.

In this article, we will tell you how to use the buff correctly to achieve the desired result.

1. Preparing nails: Before you start using the buff, you need to properly prepare your nails. Make sure they are clean and dry. If there is polish on your nails, remove it with nail polish remover. Trim your nails to the desired length and gently remove cuticles with a soft cuticle pusher.

2. The choice of buff: There are several types of buffs for nails. They can have different textures and gradations of abrasiveness. For beginners, it is recommended to choose a buff with less abrasiveness. Later, as you gain experience, you can use coarser buffs to polish your nails more intensely.

3. Polishing nails: The first step in using a buff is polishing your nails. Gently run the buff over the surface of the nails in one direction. Polishing helps to remove bumps, roughness and give the nails a smooth surface.

4. Alignment of the nail plate: If the nails have bumps or an uneven surface, a buff can be used to level them. Apply buff to problem areas and gently walk over them, creating a smooth surface. When doing this, be careful not to remove too much material from the nails.

5. Strengthen nails: The buff can also be used to strengthen nails. Using the rougher side of the buff, gently go over the nail plate, creating a little friction. This will help stimulate blood circulation and strengthenbite your nails.

6. Adding shine: The final step is to give the nails a natural shine. Use the soft side of the buff and run it over your nails to create a shiny finish. This will give your nails a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

7. Completion of the procedure: After using the buff, rinse the nails with warm water to remove any remaining dust and material. Then apply a moisturizer or oil to your nails and cuticles to hydrate and nourish them. It is important to remember that the buff should be used with caution and not too often.

Frequent and too intense polishing can weaken the nail plate and lead to damage. It is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than once every two weeks or as needed. In conclusion, using a nail buff is an effective way to improve their appearance and health.

Proper use of the buff will help you polish, smooth and strengthen the nail plate, as well as give your nails a natural shine. Follow the recommendations and do not over-polish to keep your nails healthy.



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