13.03 - 21:53

Diet and products to preserve youth: scientific conclusions


Diet and products to preserve youth: scientific conclusions

Researchers at Moneta University in Italy have found that certain products can help keep women's skin looking young. In a study, they found that certain foods can support skin cell regeneration and reduce the deepening of wrinkles.

Scientists conducted a study on a group of women aged 30 to 40 who had to fight skin aging. After two months of observation, they concluded that foods rich in antioxidants and vitamin C can significantly improve the condition of the skin and reduce the signs of aging.

Among the products that were included in the diet of the study participants were fruits and vegetables of red and blue color, such as tomatoes, red peppers, cherries, as well as those rich in vitamin C: oranges, lemons, kiwi. Research has also shown that the nutrients found in olive oil can also have a positive effect on the skin.

Scientists recommend including these products in the daily diet to preserve the youth of the skin and maintain its health. It is important to consider that proper nutrition contributes not only to a beautiful appearance, but also to the overall health of the body.

Such studies are becoming relevant in today's world, where more and more people seek to preserve youth and health by changing their diet and choosing a healthy lifestyle. It is known that some products can have an anti-aging effect, so their use can be useful at any age.

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