26.01 - 20:55

Better intestinal health in winter: 4 tips from an expert


Better intestinal health in winter: 4 tips from an expert

Your doctor's advice on gut health in winter can be an important step in maintaining overall health. With the arrival of the cold season and a change in eating habits, it is especially important to take care of the proper functioning of the intestines.

In the first advice, the doctor points out the importance of enriching the diet with fiber. In winter, people tend to lead a less active lifestyle, which can affect digestion. Adding a variety of vegetables, fruits and grains to the diet can support normal bowel function.

The second tip concerns the water regime. In winter, the body can lose water without feeling thirsty. Constant drinking is important to keep the intestines hydrated and to facilitate the digestion of food.

The third advice of a specialist is to maintain a balanced microbiome. Probiotics, which are found in yogurts or special supplements, can promote the development of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, strengthening the immune system and facilitating digestion.

The doctor also recommends avoiding excessive consumption of fatty and hard-to-digest foods, which can lead to problems with the stomach and intestines. It is better to limit meat, sweets and fried foods, especially during the cold season.

In the last point, the specialist emphasizes the importance of regular physical activity to stimulate intestinal peristalsis. Simple exercises aimed at keeping the body active can improve digestion and support gut health in winter.

Summarizing, one should take into account the doctor's advice on improving the intestines in winter as a key element of general health preservation. Proper nutrition, hydration, microbiome support, and physical activity will be important components to ensure optimal gut function during the colder months.



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