09.11 - 14:30

What are the secrets of longevity: blood analysis and the discovery of biomarkers


What are the secrets of longevity: blood analysis and the discovery of biomarkers

What is the secret of longevity? This has always been a question that worries humanity. A recent study by scientists from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden indicates that the key to a long life may be hidden in the blood biomarkers of people who have crossed the 100-year mark.

Exceptional longevity, meaning living beyond 85, has always been thought to be the result of a combination of factors, including genetics and lifestyle. However, researchers have found that long-lived people have certain features in their blood that distinguish them from other people.

Important differences in biochemical indicators became noticeable even long before reaching the age of a century, even at the age of 65. The researchers based their work on data from more than 44,000 people who underwent laboratory testing at the Central Automated Laboratory in Stockholm between 1985 and 1996, and took measurements until 2020.

According to the study, among this group, 1,224 people lived to the age of 100. The researchers looked at 12 biomarkers in their blood, including uric acid, total cholesterol, glucose, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, albumin, gamma-glutamyltransferase, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, creatinine, iron and albumin.

The results were interesting: centenarians had lower levels of glucose, uric acid, and creatinine in their blood, and higher levels of total cholesterol and iron than average people. However, it is important to note that the difference was not that great, but it was noticeable. Long-lived individuals had relatively uniform biomarker profiles overall—they rarely had values at the lower or upper end of the normal range. Lower uric acid levels also indicate a healthy lifestyle.

To increase your chances of longevity, it is necessary to conduct medical examinations more often to detect such common diseases as hypertension, diabetes, obesity and hyperlipidemia.

This research highlights the importance of understanding the biological factors that influence longevity and may point to ways to maintain health and vitality over many years. Uncovering these secrets can help develop new methods of continuing active and healthy lives for everyone.

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