09.11 - 12:10

There is no hepatitis A virus in the Vinnytsia water supply: details and protective measures


There is no hepatitis A virus in the Vinnytsia water supply: details and protective measures

Vinnytsia, one of the important cities of Ukraine, is subject to careful monitoring of its water quality. With great concern for public health, Vinnytsia Oblvodokanal regularly checks the quality of the water it provides to the city. We are pleased to report that a recent study found the absence of hepatitis A virus and hepatitis A antigen in the water supply. The causative agent of an infectious disease is absent in all samples. This was reported personally by the director of the enterprise.

Water tests were carried out at various points, including the water intake point (Southern Bug River), clean water tanks before it is fed into the network, and the centralized network in different areas of the city. In all water samples, the absence of the causative agent of hepatitis A was found, which indicates the safety of the water supply.

Despite this good news, 250 laboratory-confirmed cases of hepatitis A have been recorded in Vinnytsia, including 36 cases among children. As of November 8, 45 patients are receiving inpatient treatment.

On October 16, the first case of hepatitis A was recorded in Vinnytsia, and investigations are currently underway into the probable sources of the infection. In order to prevent the spread of the disease among schoolchildren, from October 30 they switched to online education. The city also carries out vaccinations of medical workers and carries out daily disinfection of public transport.

Registered cases of hepatitis A were noted in five districts of Vinnytsia region, in particular in Mohyliv-Podilskyi, Khmilnyk, Kalynivka, Haysyn and Kozyatyn. The authorities and health organizations are planning effective measures to curb the spread of this infectious disease in the region.

Unfortunately, although Vinnytsia's water supply meets high quality standards, hepatitis A remains a threat to the health of residents of the region.

The outbreak has now been contained. In particular, new cases are detected in persons who had contact with patients in family relationships. And due to virological studies, it is possible to establish the presence of infection. Thanks to active measures and control, the authorities try to minimize risks and ensure the safety of water supply for all residents of Vinnytsia and its surroundings.

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