06.11 - 17:29

The emergence of an epidemic of hepatitis A in Ukraine: Transcarpathia and Dnipropetrovsk region among the victims


The emergence of an epidemic of hepatitis A in Ukraine: Transcarpathia and Dnipropetrovsk region among the victims

In Ukraine, the spread of the disease is increasing, and new cases of infection were detected in Transcarpathia and Dnipropetrovsk. Thus, the number of regions where this disease has already been recorded has increased to five.

According to Anatoly Pshenychny, director of the health care department of the Transcarpathian regional state administration, 11 people with a diagnosis of this dangerous disease are currently in Transcarpathian hospitals. Since the beginning of 2023, 125 cases of this disease have already been detected in Transcarpathia. Among them, it is important to note that five are children.

In the Dnipropetrovsk region, an increase in the number of cases of infection was recorded, which appears to be a high rate of cyclicality. Already 32 cases of this disease have been confirmed, and medical professionals are concerned about these alarming trends. Denis Kiselyov, a representative of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, said that the source of infection is a sick person. Clinical manifestations of this disease include weakness, abdominal pain, and jaundice. Infection can occur through various routes, such as contaminated food, water, household route through contaminated hands and objects.

The increase in the number of cases of this disease in Ukraine requires immediate measures to control it and prevent its further spread. In particular, the government and local authorities should strengthen public education and strengthen personal hygiene and safety measures.

One of the strategies to combat the epidemic is mass vaccination. Vaccination can help reduce the risk of infection and protect the population from this disease. The government should ensure proper conditions for the vaccination campaign and make it available to all citizens.

With the joint efforts of medical workers, authorities and citizens of Ukraine, we can overcome this epidemic and preserve the health of the nation. It is important not to panic. Medical professionals call on the public to be attentive and careful, to observe hygiene standards and the importance of using safe products, water and providing protective equipment to reduce the risk of infection.

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