31.10 - 10:44

Nausea during period: what makes you feel bad when your period comes


Nausea During Period: What Makes You Feel Bad When Your Period Comes

Many women experience various symptoms in the second half of their menstrual cycle. The period between ovulation and the onset of menstruation can be accompanied by a number of symptoms called premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms. The most common symptoms include mood swings, headaches, fatigue, bloating and breast tenderness. Although nausea during menstruation affects many women, it is unfortunately not talked about much, leaving many women confused as to whether it is normal or if they need to seek medical help.

What causes nausea?

It is not always possible to prevent nausea during menstruation, but finding out why you feel sick during menstruation and arming yourself with useful remedies is quite possible. Nausea during menstruation is a common symptom associated with substances known as prostaglandins. Typically, prostaglandins help your body mount an inflammatory response to pathogens, among other things. During menstruation, they help the uterus contract, peeling off the mucous membrane. As a side effect, they can cause nausea during menstruation, sometimes leading to vomiting, diarrhea and headaches. Nausea during menstruation can also be caused by mild fluctuations in sex hormone levels, which cause the stomach to produce excess gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid. This may cause mild heartburn or, in extreme cases, vomiting.

Ways to cope with nausea during menstruation

When menstrual pain depresses you, and you don’t know what to do if you feel sick during your period, don’t worry, there are different ways and methods to alleviate your condition. It is known that some drugs such as cyclodenone are herbal remedies for the treatment of menstrual disorders. Its components have a normalizing effect on the level of sex hormones, reduces prolactin levels and thereby eliminates menstrual irregularities. In addition, there are home remedies to relieve cramps and nausea: ginger tea, peppermint, cinnamon and fennel, as well as fresh air.

In general, rest and avoid stress and situations that may make you anxious. If nausea bothers you too much every day, see your doctor to help you look for potential causes.

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