29.10 - 18:21

The Ministry of Health orders the military medical commissions to speed up the work


The Ministry of Health orders the military medical commissions to speed up the work

Ukrainian military medical commissions in the territorial centers of recruitment and social support are launching a new stage of their work, contributing to the implementation of the decision of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC). These changes provide for a significant acceleration of research and medical examinations of servicemen, which will help provide the military contingent with the most important medical support and timely equipment of the army. This is an important initiative aimed at improving the health and functional readiness of military personnel, which is a fundamental component of Ukraine's national security.

The Ministry of Health has tasked military medical commissions with speeding up mandatory medical examinations of servicemen, which include physical, psychological and medical aspects. Speeding up the work of military medical commissions is critically important, as it affects the term of enlistment of new recruits and the stay of servicemen on the front line of defense. The Ministry of Health obliged to improve the supply of military medical commissions with the necessary medical resources to ensure high-quality and fast medical records of servicemen. Increasing the psychological readiness of military personnel requires additional attention and support provided by psychologists of military medical commissions. Improvement of the medical monitoring system will allow prompt detection of problems in the health of military personnel and provide them with appropriate assistance. Measures for the prevention of various diseases are becoming extremely important for maintaining the combat readiness of military units. Improving the qualifications and provision of doctors and nurses is an important aspect of the successful work of military medical commissions. Providing medical commissions with modern information technologies will help in keeping records and analyzing medical data. The importance of collaboration with other military services and healthcare sectors cannot be understated.

Military medical boards will now have enough time to conduct thorough medical examinations, which will ensure that each serviceman has the appropriate level of physical and psychological readiness.

An important aspect is the simplification of administrative procedures and improvement of interaction between the military and medical components. This will allow to optimize the operation of the system and reduce the administrative burden on the shoulders of military personnel.

Speeding up the work of military medical commissions is of great importance for the national security of Ukraine and ensures the maximum readiness of our servicemen to protect the country

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