16.10 - 11:52

Bad breath: causes and methods of treatment


Bad breath: causes and methods of treatment

In the morning, my mouth smells bad: the doctor told me that I need to check it.

Bad breath can cause not only discomfort, but also social problems. It can damage your self-confidence and relationships with other people. Let's consider the causes of this phenomenon and methods of treatment of bad breath.

Causes of unpleasant odor

First of all, it is important to determine the causes of bad breath. One of the most common reasons is insufficient hygienic care of the oral cavity. Regular brushing and flossing can make a big difference.

Diseases of the oral cavity

Sometimes an unpleasant smell can be the result of diseases of the oral cavity, such as caries or inflammation of the gums. To identify these problems, it is important to consult a dentist.

Eating disorder

Another reason for an unpleasant smell can be improper nutrition. Some foods, such as garlic, onions, coffee and alcohol, can contribute to bad breath. It is recommended to limit the consumption of such products.

Water consumption

Not drinking enough water can also lead to bad breath. Water helps to remove bacteria and dirt from the oral cavity. Ensure adequate hydration to reduce odor.

The role of bacteria in the oral cavity

Bacteria that grow in the mouth can also contribute to bad breath. Using medical mouthpieces to clean the tongue and antiseptic liquids can help reduce the number of bacteria.

Smoking and bad smell

Smoking is one of the most common causes of bad breath. Cigarette smoke affects the respiratory system and can cause bad breath.

Methods of treatment of unpleasant odor

Treatment of bad breath includes improving oral hygiene, treating dental diseases, and changing eating habits. If necessary, the dentist can prescribe special oral hygiene products.

Bad breath can be annoying, but with the right measures, it can be overcome. It is important to identify the causes and take steps to improve oral hygiene and life in general. Seeing a professional, such as a dentist, can help you find the best treatment plan.

If the bad breath persists for several weeks, then you need to do an examination of the body. This may be a symptom of a disease of the oral cavity or intestines.

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