04.10 - 18:35

The danger of using the phone while sitting


The danger of using the phone while sitting

The constant development of technology and modern lifestyle forces us to use smartphones almost anytime and anywhere, but gastroenterologists advise to be especially careful when it comes to using the phone in the toilet. In this article, we will look at two main aspects why it can be dangerous for your health.

First, using your phone on the toilet can lead to prolonged sitting on the toilet. This practice can lead to unhealthy excess pressure on the rectum, which can cause problems such as hemorrhoids or constipation. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectum that can cause bleeding and pain. Sitting on the toilet for a long time leads to increased pressure in the intestines, which can worsen this disease. Therefore, it is important to limit the time you spend with your smartphone on the toilet. Another serious problem can be rectal prolapse. When you sit for a long time, you create excessive pressure on the intestines, which can cause a part of the intestine to be expelled through the anus. This causes significant discomfort and may require medical intervention to correct. Gastroenterologists recommend avoiding prolonged sitting on the toilet and focusing on the natural process of releasing bowel movements without undue effort.

Second, using the phone in the toilet can lead to poor hand hygiene. We often encounter bacteria and germs in the toilet, and the most important thing is to wash our hands properly after visiting. However, when you use your phone while going to the bathroom, the chances of leaving bacteria on your device and then touching it after you leave the bathroom increases.

In addition, some studies show that using the phone in the toilet can cause psychological stress and affect physiological processes. By distracting yourself from the natural act of releasing a bowel movement, you can cause tension in the rectal area and even lead to functional disorders.

Gastroenterologists recommend paying more attention to your own health and hygiene in the toilet, leaving smartphones at the door. This can help maintain your health and avoid unpleasant problems with the intestines and other digestive organs. Keep a reasonable measure and do not forget about the importance of the correct position of the body while sitting on the toilet. Your gut health is important and you should take care of it. Our health is in our hands, and we should do everything possible to keep it unchanged.

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