27.09 - 17:39

Allergy: why self-medication is not recommended


Allergy is a problem that is becoming more and more relevant nowadays. Over the past twenty years, medical and scientific research has emphasized that the spread of allergic diseases is rapidly gaining momentum.

According to forecasts of the World Health Organization, by 2050, almost every second person on Earth will have symptoms of allergies. Why should you not trust advertised medicines and why should you consult an allergist?

To prevent and treat allergic diseases, it is necessary to avoid naive belief in advertising promises and self-treatment with the help of the Internet. Each person has his own peculiarities in the manifestation of diseases and possible accompanying pathology.

Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor who, after diagnosis, will prescribe effective medicines. The presence of antihistamine drugs of the first and second generation should be considered in the treatment of allergies. First-generation drugs, introduced back in the 1930s and 40s, have side effects and contraindications.

Modern second-generation drugs, used since the 1980s, are more personalized and have advantages such as a longer therapeutic effect and less impact on the central nervous system. It is important to note that many modern drugs of the second generation, which are actively advertised in the media, may have side effects.

It is especially important to be careful for the elderly and patients with pathologies of the liver, kidneys, diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Only an experienced doctor can give an appropriate recommendation and select the necessary dose.

An important aspect is a timely visit to the doctor in the case of bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis, which are often correlated. Unfortunately, untimely diagnosis and treatment can lead to serious complications. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health and contact qualified specialists.



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