26.09 - 11:41

Apple season-2023/24: Review and forecasts


In about two weeks, mass harvesting of apples for the new season will begin in Ukraine. According to experts' forecasts, the estimated yield this year is expected to be at the level of 2022. This is reported by Kurkul.com with a link to delo.ua.

According to the Ukrainian Agricultural Export Association, industry enterprises produced more than 600,000 tons of apples this year, and this amount remained almost at the same level as in 2021. Last year was difficult for gardeners due to numerous problems.

In particular, the increase in prices for plant protection products and fertilizers led to the need to reduce their use. This affected the quality of products and forced many farmers to send their crops for processing.

Dmytro Kroshka, head of the Ukrainian Agricultural Export Association, noted that in many cases this year may be similar to the previous one, and the industry will continue to face difficulties. Apple production costs were at a record high last season, causing losses for many growers.

According to Dmytro Kroshka, the situation on the market will remain difficult, and we should not expect the recovery of the industry this year, as production has remained expensive and the consumption of fresh apples continues to stagnate. The mass picking of apples for the new season will begin in about two weeks.

During this period, it will become clear what the harvest will be, its volumes and prices for end consumers. This year, some farmers were forced to save on production, in particular on fertilizers. This can affect the quality of products, and this year for producers can be no less difficult than the previous one.

Now the prices of apples vary from 22 to 30 hryvnias per kilogram. However, it is expected that prices will start to decrease in the second half of September. It should not be expected that the final prices will fall below 10 hryvnias per kilogram, since the costs of logistics and electricity must be taken into account.



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