03.08 - 14:08

How to check your biological age: methods and recommendations


The question of age is one of the most discussed and interesting. However, in addition to passport age, there is another concept - biological age, which reflects the state and functionality of the body.

The biological age can be different from the passport age and even show a more accurate picture of the state of health and the potential of the body. In this article, we will look at methods and recommendations that will help you determine your biological age.

Health Checks and Medical Examinations: See your doctor for a comprehensive medical check-up, including blood tests, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and other health indicators. This data can help you get an overall assessment of your condition and estimate your risk for various age-related diseases.

DNA Tests and Genetic Analysis: Genetic analysis can provide information about your genetic predisposition to certain diseases and aging factors. Some companies offer DNA tests that can help determine your body's age based on genetic markers and biological processes.

Functional Tests: Functional tests evaluate various aspects of your physical condition such as strength, flexibility, endurance and balance. These can be treadmill tests, pull-ups, sit-ups, flexibility tests, and other physical tests. The results of these tests can help evaluate your fitness and compare it to what is expected for your passport age.

Biological markers of aging: There are some biological markers of aging that can be used to determine biological age. For example, telomere length is a special DNA sequence at the ends of chromosomes that shortens with age. Also, hormone levels, metabolic rates and the state of the immune system may be associated with biological age.

Lifestyle assessment: Lifestyle plays an important role in biological age. Diet, physical activity, stress levels, smoking, alcohol consumption and other factors can affect your health and body aging. Assess your lifestyle and try to make positive changes such as eating healthy, exercising regularly, managing stress, and quitting bad habits.

Expert Consultation: If you would like a more accurate estimate of your biological age and what steps you can take to improve it, contact a professional expert. Consulting with a doctor, geneticist, nutritionist, or trainer can help you get personalized advice and a plan of action. It is important to note that biological age is a concept that can be influenced. However, improving your health and adopting a healthy lifestyle can help you feel younger and keep your body looking younger.



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