02.08 - 11:10

The need for folic acid during pregnancy


Pregnancy is a period when the body's requirements for nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, increase significantly. Folic acid, or vitamin B9, is one of the key nutrients that play an important role during pregnancy. Here is an overview of the reasons why it is recommended to take folic acid during pregnancy.

1. Prevention of birth defects of the fetus: Folic acid plays an important role in the development of the nervous system in the fetus, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. Its intake helps prevent birth defects of the fetus, such as spinal hernia and brain anomalies. Regular intake of folic acid in the months before conception and during the first weeks of pregnancy is of great importance.

2. Formation of the hematopoietic system: Folic acid is essential for the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Folic acid supplementation helps prevent anemia in pregnant women and maintains a normal supply of oxygen and nutrients to the growing fetus.

3. Fetal Growth and Development Support: Folic acid promotes proper fetal growth and development during pregnancy. It helps the formation of the fetus, the development of organs and tissues, and also supports the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system.

4. Prevention of preeclampsia: Preeclampsia is a serious complication of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure and impaired kidney function. Taking folic acid may reduce the risk of preeclampsia in pregnant women.

5. Support maternal health: Folic acid during pregnancy is also important for maintaining the overall health of the mother. It helps to strengthen the immune system, supports the normal functioning of the heart and brain, and also helps to normalize hormone levels. Folic Acid Recommendations The body can't always get enough folic acid from food alone, so doctors often recommend folic acid supplements during pregnancy.

It is generally recommended to start taking folic acid well before planning a pregnancy and continue it in the first months of pregnancy. The recommended dose of folic acid for pregnant women is usually 400-800 micrograms per day. However, the dose may be individualized and may depend on the health of the woman and other factors. It is important to consult your doctor or midwife for specific advice on dosage and duration of folic acid supplementation.

Conclusion Taking folic acid during pregnancy has many health benefits for the mother and fetal development. It helps prevent birth defects, supports fetal growth and development, prevents anemia and preeclampsia, and promotes overall maternal health. It is recommended that you consult your doctor and start taking folic acid well before conception and continue it in the first months of pregnancy to ensure optimal conditions for the healthy development of the child and a successful pregnancy.



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