28.07 - 15:26

How to determine the acidity of the stomach at home


The acidity of the stomach is an important indicator of the state of the digestive system. It determines the level of acidity in the gastric juice and plays a key role in the process of digestion of food. Normal stomach acidity helps to effectively break down food and absorb nutrients.

However, acid disorders can cause various health problems such as heartburn, regurgitation and indigestion. It is important to know how to measure stomach acid at home so that you can take the appropriate steps to keep your digestive system healthy. Phenolic test The phenol test is a simple and affordable method for determining the acidity of the stomach.

To conduct the test, you will need phenolphthalein paper, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach and wait 5 minutes. Then put a phenolphthalein paper on your tongue and evaluate its color. If the paper remains unchanged or takes on a faint red tint, this may indicate low stomach acid.

If the paper quickly turns bright red, this may indicate high acidity. apple test The apple test can also help determine stomach acidity. For this you need a fresh apple. In the morning on an empty stomach, eat half an apple and carefully monitor the sensations in the stomach. If you experience a feeling of heaviness, bloating, or discomfort after eating an apple, this may indicate low stomach acid.

If you do not feel any changes, or, conversely, heartburn or a burning sensation in the stomach appears, this may indicate high acidity. soda test The soda test is also widely used to determine the acidity of the stomach. To test, dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in 200 ml of water. Drink this solution on an empty stomach and carefully observe how you feel.

If you experience a feeling of fullness, bloating, or belching after taking soda, this may indicate low stomach acid. If you feel heartburn, burning or a feeling of irritation in the stomach, this may indicate high acidity. Pay attention to the symptoms In addition to performing special tests, you can also look for some symptoms that may indicate an acid stomach disorder.

Low acidity can be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness after eating, a feeling of bloating, food regurgitation, and poor digestion. High acidity, on the other hand, can be manifested by heartburn, burning in the chest, a sour taste in the mouth, and frequent burping.

In conclusion, home gastric acid testing can be helpful in assessing the health of the digestive system. However, in order to accurately diagnose and determine the causes of acid disorders, it is recommended to consult a doctor who can conduct the necessary studies and prescribe appropriate treatment.



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