26.07 - 17:38

Relationship between depression and intestinal microflora disorders


Depression is a serious mental illness that is accompanied by a constant feeling of sadness, loss of interest in life and low mood. In recent years, research has shown that disruption of the gut microflora, also known as dysbiosis, may play an important role in the development and maintenance of depression.

In this article, we look at the link between depression and gut microbiota and how it can affect mental health. The gut microflora is the collection of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi that live in our intestines.

They perform a number of important functions, including participation in digestion, vitamin synthesis, immune system health, and metabolism. The balance between "good" and "bad" microorganisms in the gut plays a key role in keeping the body healthy. Disturbance of the intestinal microflora can occur for various reasons, such as malnutrition, stress, antibiotics, and other factors. This can lead to dysbacteriosis, where "bad" microorganisms become predominant and "good" microorganisms decrease.

This imbalance can cause inflammation in the intestines and damage its walls, leading to the leakage of toxic substances and bacteria into the body. The link between depression and disruption of the gut microflora is explained by several factors. First, disruption of microflora can lead to inflammation in the body, including brain inflammation.

This can cause changes in the areas of the brain responsible for mood and emotions and contribute to the development of depression. Second, gut microbes play an important role in the formation of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which is known as the "happiness hormone". An imbalance in the microflora can lead to a decrease in the level of serotonin in the brain, which can contribute to the development of depression.

In addition, gut micro-organisms can influence the functioning of the immune system and inflammatory processes. An imbalance in the microflora can lead to the activation of inflammatory mechanisms in the body, which can also affect mood and emotional state. Thus, maintaining a healthy gut microflora is an important aspect of maintaining mental health.

To do this, it is recommended to follow a few simple strategies:

1. Regular consumption of prebiotics and probiotics: Prebiotics are food for the "good" microorganisms in the gut, while probiotics contain the beneficial microorganisms themselves. They help restore the balance of microflora and maintain its health. Prebiotic foods include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and probiotics can be obtained from yogurt, kefir, fermented milk products, and special supplements.

2. Proper nutrition: A balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, plant and animal proteins helps maintain a healthy microflora and provides the body with essential nutrients.

3. Stress avoidance: Stress can negatively affect the gut microflora. Regular practice of relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, and other stress reduction techniques will help maintain a healthy microflora and improve mental health.

4. Limiting Sugar and Processed Foods: Excess sugar and processed foods can contribute to the growth of pathogens in the gut and disrupt the microbiome. It is recommended to limit the consumption of these products and give preference to natural and non-fried foods.

5. Physical activity: Regular physical activity improves blood circulation and digestion, which has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. It is important to note that every body is different, and it is recommended that you consult your doctor or nutritionist for personalized recommendations and advice on strengthening your gut microflora.

Conclusion: There is a link between depression and disruption of the intestinal microflora. Microbial imbalances can cause inflammation, altered neurotransmitter levels, and affect immune system function, which can negatively impact mood and mental health.

Maintaining a healthy microflora can be achieved by regular consumption of prebiotics and probiotics, proper nutrition, reducing stress, limiting the intake of sugar and processed foods, and regular physical activity. These strategies will help strengthen your gut microflora and support mental health.

However, before making major changes to your diet or taking any medication, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor or a digestive health professional. They will be able to assess your individual condition and provide the best advice, as well as help develop an action plan to maintain a healthy microflora.



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