27.06 - 13:25

Title: How to recognize diabetes


Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. It can lead to serious complications if not diagnosed and controlled promptly. Early recognition of diabetes mellitus plays an important role in preventing disease progression.

Here are some signs and methods to help recognize diabetes:

1. Frequent urination: Increased blood sugar can lead to frequent urination. If you notice an increased frequency of going to the toilet, especially at night, this could be a sign of diabetes.

2. Extreme Thirst and Hunger: Elevated blood sugar levels can make you extremely thirsty and constantly hungry. If you constantly experience dry mouth and an irrepressible desire to drink, and feel hungry even after eating, this may be due to diabetes.

3. Unexplained weight loss: If you experience significant weight loss without changing your diet or physical activity level, this may be a sign of diabetes. High blood sugar levels can lead to weight loss due to a lack of insulin or not working properly.

4. Weakness and fatigue: Diabetes can make you feel weak, tired and generally unwell. Elevated blood sugar prevents cells from getting enough energy, which can lead to feelings of weakness and fatigue.

5. Slow wound healing and infections: High blood sugar can slow down the healing process of wounds and increase the risk of infections. If you notice that your wounds are burninginfections occur slowly or frequently, this may be due to diabetes. For an accurate diagnosis of diabetes, you need to see a doctor.

They may do special tests, such as a blood glucose test, glycated hemoglobin, and an oral glucose tolerance test, to determine if the condition is present. It is important to remember that early detection of diabetes mellitus allows timely treatment and control of the disease. If you are suspected of having diabetes or have risk factors, discuss this with your doctor and get appropriate tests to confirm or rule out the diagnosis.


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