11.10 - 17:24

How to recognize depression in a child in time


How to recognize depression in a child in time

Psychologists provide important information to parents and carers to help them recognize the signs of depression in children and young people. Depression among children is an increasingly common problem, and scientists are keen to emphasize the importance of timely intervention and support.

Adolescence can be the most important and most difficult stage in the life of every person. Unfortunately, some teenagers face such difficulties that they can push them to commit suicide.

Factors that can influence teenagers and lead to an extremely tragic act

1. Depression and mental disorders: Teenagers, like adults, can suffer from depression, anxiety disorders and other mental problems. Underestimation of these problems and lack of support can lead to suicide.

2. Social Isolation: Feeling lonely and not having close friends can be a factor that drives teenagers to commit suicide. Social support plays an important role in their mental health.

3. Violence and peer pressure: Bullying and peer pressure can greatly affect the mental state of adolescents and make them vulnerable to suicidal ideation.

4. Family problems: Conflicts in the family, divorce of parents or loss of relatives can leave a deep mark on the emotional state of teenagers.

5. Excessive use of drugs and alcohol: Substance use can worsen a teenager's mental state and increase his risk of suicide.

6. Inability to solve problems: Teenagers may feel that they do not have answers to their problems and this can lead them to hopelessness.

7. Media influence: Information about suicides in the media or on the Internet can have a negative impact on the mental state of adolescents, especially if they already feel vulnerable.

It is important to remember that understanding these factors and getting early support from family, friends and mental health professionals can significantly reduce the risk of suicide among teenagers.

One of the key signs of depression in children is changes in their mood and emotions. Instead of joy and fun, the child can become irritated, depressed and apathetic. It is important to consider that depression can appear in a child not only as sadness, but also as an inability to feel joy from usual entertainment. Another sign may be a change in sleep and appetite. Children suffering from depression may sleep too much or too little, and lose interest in food or, conversely, overeat. These changes in normal physiological needs may indicate depression in a child.

It is important to remember that children can suffer from depression just like adults and need support and understanding from their environment. By recognizing the signs of depression in time, parents and caregivers can help their children find a way to regain mental health and joy in life.

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