29.09 - 19:11

How to motivate a first grader?


Not long ago, your child spent time in kindergarten, where a real company of friends was already acquired. Now, as an incoming first grader, she faces a big change and unknown that can cause fear and anxiety.

Often these feelings are deepened by relatives who constantly remind the child that everything will change. But no one can predict exactly what this new stage in a child's life, called "school", will be like. It is important to help the child cope with anxiety and support him.

Understanding expectations and fears Tell the child in detail how his first day at school will go. Many adults attribute their own fears and anxieties to children, often mistakenly believing that the child is struggling because of reading speed or other academic aspects.

In fact, the child's fears are usually related to other issues, such as eating in the school canteen or fear that the parents will forget her after school. The more a child knows and understands about what awaits him, the easier it is for him to cope with stress. Acquaintance with classmates Discuss different ways to meet classmates. Maybe your child wants to talk to their desk neighbors or plans to visit the classroom and meet the teacher.

Let her choose the method that seems most comfortable to her. Advantages of the role of a schoolboy Emphasize the advantages of the new student status. Instead of always telling children about responsibility, emphasize the positive aspects: they no longer have to sleep during the day, they are picked up from school earlier than from kindergarten, there is a school playground and a variety of snacks in the cafeteria.

Also note the possibility of meeting new friends. Working with unpleasant memories If your child had classroom conflicts or learning difficulties last school year, this may lead to fear of a repeat of the situation. It is important to solve problems that have arisen before, for example, to help the child establish relationships with classmates or provide support in studies.

Support in education If your child has learning difficulties, support him and help him solve difficult tasks. Do not scare her with bad grades, but try to increase her motivation and belief in her own abilities. Understanding and support from your side will help the child to survive this period with confidence and optimism. And with your support, she will not be afraid of a new stage in her life - school.



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